Adding users/students to a course
**Note-all changes should be made through
The student should login to his or her account and add/drop the course. These instructions are for the purpose of the manually created courses and manual enrollments.

Login to the course.
On the left hand side on the scree, scroll down to "settings."
(Shown on the right)
>Click on "users."
>Click on "enrolled users."
A new box will appear with a list of students in your course. In the top right hand side, click on "enroll users."
(shown in figure 1)
Type the students name. *Make sure you are selecting the correct student. There can be several people with the same name.
When all names have been added, click "finish enrolling users."
(Shown in figure 2)
Figure 1

Figure 2

Dropping a user/student from a course

Dropping a user can be done by following the above steps to enroll a user.
From settings
>Enrolled users
A list should appear (shown left) with the names of the students enrolled in the course.
On the far right hand side, there is a RED X. Notice that a box appears when the mouse is placed over the X to let the professor know that he or she will be "unenrolling" the user.
Save changes!
From settings
>Enrolled users
A list should appear (shown left) with the names of the students enrolled in the course.
On the far right hand side, there is a RED X. Notice that a box appears when the mouse is placed over the X to let the professor know that he or she will be "unenrolling" the user.
Save changes!