I "think" I am registered for classes, but I want to make sure.
First, go to my.alliant.edu and login (shown below)

Click on the "student" tab on the blue banner the runs across the top of the page.

Under "Academic Resources," click on "Student Schedule."

Select the correct term and program from the drop down menu.
>Click on "view your schedule."

Your course(s) will be listed.
You can also look up the text book(s) or email the professor from this screen.

Click on the small plus sign (+) just to the left of the course code (shown below)
>A list of text books will appear for that specific course only. Continue the same steps for subsequent courses.

Email your professor for this course. On the far right-hand side of the course information, is a small envelope icon (shown below).
Click on the envelope to send a message.
*Note-many professors have other full-time jobs and may not check his or her alliant email between semesters. If you need immediate assistance contact your class advisor.