Millions of researchers, scholarly writers, students, and librarians use EndNote (patent pending) to search online bibliographic databases, organize their references, images and PDFs in any language, and create bibliographies and figure lists instantly. Select the EndNote icon to go to their web site.
Alliant International University has a five concurrent user license for EndNote available to our faculty. It is located on file server AIUAS and can be accessed using Remote Desktop Connection. The Microsoft Office suite is also installed on AIUAS and you should be able to navigate to your network stored files for use in conjunction with EndNote.
The document below will guide you through the log in process.
Using Remote Desktop Connection for AIUAS to Access EndNote
Alliant International University has a five concurrent user license for EndNote available to our faculty. It is located on file server AIUAS and can be accessed using Remote Desktop Connection. The Microsoft Office suite is also installed on AIUAS and you should be able to navigate to your network stored files for use in conjunction with EndNote.
The document below will guide you through the log in process.
Using Remote Desktop Connection for AIUAS to Access EndNote