How Do I Copy the Content of One Course into Another (AKA Importing)?
To copy a course content into another course follow these steps:
1. Enter the course code/name that you wish to update/import content (the new/empty course).
2. Click the "Import" link in your "settings" block (shown left)
3. The courses that you have taught, or that you are linked to will appear (shown below figure 1).
4. Select the course you wish to copy into the empty course (figure 1).
5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Continue" (figure 2).
**Note, two more screens will open. Scroll to the bottom for both and click "NEXT."
6. Once again, scroll to the bottom of the page and click "NEXT."
7. For a third time and final time, scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Continue."
**Note, the only action that is required on the three different screens to click "Continue/next." No other action is required. You can, however, deselect boxes if you do not want to import everything into the new course. Sometimes it is easier to just import everything and then delete or hide the data that you do not want to share with your current class.
8. The content should be moved into the new course now.
***You must be given permission and made a "non-editing teacher" or TA of the course in which you wish to copy. The current teacher of the course can assign you as a "non-editing teacher." Follow the same instructions for adding/dropping a student.
After clicking continue through 3 screens, the final screen will be the empty one which now displays the course materials from the course you copied from. It does not copy students or student assignments over from the previous course. In other words, only resources, videos, forum questions, quizzes, and other assignments will be copied into the new course.
1. Enter the course code/name that you wish to update/import content (the new/empty course).
2. Click the "Import" link in your "settings" block (shown left)
3. The courses that you have taught, or that you are linked to will appear (shown below figure 1).
4. Select the course you wish to copy into the empty course (figure 1).
5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Continue" (figure 2).
**Note, two more screens will open. Scroll to the bottom for both and click "NEXT."
6. Once again, scroll to the bottom of the page and click "NEXT."
7. For a third time and final time, scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Continue."
**Note, the only action that is required on the three different screens to click "Continue/next." No other action is required. You can, however, deselect boxes if you do not want to import everything into the new course. Sometimes it is easier to just import everything and then delete or hide the data that you do not want to share with your current class.
8. The content should be moved into the new course now.
***You must be given permission and made a "non-editing teacher" or TA of the course in which you wish to copy. The current teacher of the course can assign you as a "non-editing teacher." Follow the same instructions for adding/dropping a student.
After clicking continue through 3 screens, the final screen will be the empty one which now displays the course materials from the course you copied from. It does not copy students or student assignments over from the previous course. In other words, only resources, videos, forum questions, quizzes, and other assignments will be copied into the new course.