How Can I Check the Statistics of a Quiz?
It is a good idea to check the stats of your quiz from time to time to see if any changes need to be made. In other words, if greater than 50% of your students in every section miss the same question, it might be a good indicator that the wording of the question is misleading. Additionally, these stats may help you to know what areas to focus on more in class.
1. Click on the Quiz from your course page.
2. On the left-hand side, under the quiz name click on the small triangle to the left of "results" to expand the results options.
3. Click on "statistics."
4. From this page, there are three different statistical analyses.
-This shows the overall stats for the final grade.
-This shows the overall stats for the final grade.
5. This analysis shows the stats of each question and the type of question.
-Below you will see a few options within this view.
Far left-the magnifying glass allows the user to view the question.
Middle-the wrench icon allows the user to edit the question.
Far right-indicates the type of question.
-Below you will see a few options within this view.
Far left-the magnifying glass allows the user to view the question.
Middle-the wrench icon allows the user to edit the question.
Far right-indicates the type of question.
6. At the top there is a drop down menu that will allow you to download the stats to an excel spreadsheet.
7. The final analysis is a graph.
Back under the result (far left of your page) click on "responses."
This section allow the user to see the responses of each quiz taker. With this data you can see if the majority of students select the same wrong answer, or no coloration.
This section allow the user to see the responses of each quiz taker. With this data you can see if the majority of students select the same wrong answer, or no coloration.