Login, Technology Support & Special Request Forms

Welcome to Alliant!
The Information Technology Department is a service department to all business and academic functions at Alliant International University. We strive to provide our students, faculty and staff with better tools to administer and manage their own training, improve the quality of university operations, and drive higher efficiency.
Technology can be overwhelming! Getting up to speed on all of your available resources shouldn't be. Be sure and bookmark the link below to find quick information pertaining to the most frequently referenced Alliant student resources.
Alliant Information Technology Quick Start
The Information Technology Department is a service department to all business and academic functions at Alliant International University. We strive to provide our students, faculty and staff with better tools to administer and manage their own training, improve the quality of university operations, and drive higher efficiency.
Technology can be overwhelming! Getting up to speed on all of your available resources shouldn't be. Be sure and bookmark the link below to find quick information pertaining to the most frequently referenced Alliant student resources.
Alliant Information Technology Quick Start
- Alliant Mobile App: https://ithelp.alliant.edu/alliant-app.html
- Alliant Email and Office 365 Applications: https://office.com/
- Alliant Room Scheduling: www.aaiscloud.com/AlliantInternationalU/Default.aspx
- Alliant Student Hub: https://alliantintluni.sharepoint.com/sites/StudentHub
- Alliant Wireless Network Connectivity: Alliant Wi-Fi
- Alumni Impact: https://alliant.alumnifire.com/
- AMS (Assessment Management System): https://ithelp.alliant.edu/ams.html
- Bookstore Login: bncvirtual.com/alliant Bookstore Support: bncvirtual.com/vb_contact.php
- Brainfuse Online Tutoring: https://home.brainfuse.com/
- Campuses Network Status https://ithelp.alliant.edu/status
- Canvas Learning Management System: https://ithelp.alliant.edu/canvas.html
- Career Services: https://alliantintluni.sharepoint.com/sites/CSStudent
- CNS Help Resources: alliantintluni.sharepoint.com/IT/SitePages/CampusNexus-Student-Information-&-Training.aspx
- Data Warehouse Project: https://alliantintluni.sharepoint.com/IT/SitePages/dataproj.aspx
- Faculty - Attendance, Grades and Rosters Information - https://alliantintluni.sharepoint.com/provost/SitePages/teachtools.aspx
- Insight Advance - https://help.insightadvance.com
- Institutional Review Board (IRB) Info: https://continuinged.alliant.edu/browse/irb/
- Library Services: https://library.alliant.edu
- Name Change Request Form: https://forms.office.com/r/E9AXPSppG0
- Parking Information and Permit Requests: https://ithelp.alliant.edu/parking
- Phone Portal: https://phoneware.uccommportal.com
- ProfHire Adjunct Onboarding: https://alliantintluni.sharepoint.com/provost/SitePages/ProfHire.aspx
- Qualtrics: https://s.qualtrics.com
- SPSS: https://ithelp.alliant.edu/spss
- Student / Faculty Portal: https://portal.alliant.edu
- Teaching Channel: https://ithelp.alliant.edu/teaching-channel.html
- Textbooks: alliantintluni.sharepoint.com/sites/AAStudent/SitePages/texts.aspx
- Turnitin: ithelp.alliant.edu/turnitin.html
- UKG (formerly Ultipro): https://e12.ultipro.com
- Zoom Web Conferencing Information: https://ithelp.alliant.edu/zoom
- 1098Ts: https://www.ecsi.net
Library related issues: Please contact your home library or [email protected]
Nexonia related issues: Please contact [email protected]
UKG (formerly UltiPro) or ProfHire related issues: Please contact [email protected]
Vector (formerly EverFi) related issues: Please refer to https://support.vectortrainingeducation.com/s/contactsupport
Nexonia related issues: Please contact [email protected]
UKG (formerly UltiPro) or ProfHire related issues: Please contact [email protected]
Vector (formerly EverFi) related issues: Please refer to https://support.vectortrainingeducation.com/s/contactsupport
Password Info
Password Policy:
To ensure account security, Alliant International University's password policy requires all users to change their respective passwords every 180 days. This password change will impact the Alliant network, CNS portal, Email (Office 365) Canvas and Zoom.
Your password must have at least 12 digits and contain one upper case letter, one lower case letter, one number, and one special character (i.e. &, $,*). You cannot use any of your five previous passwords.
First Time Login:
If you are logging into the Alliant systems for the first time, you will have received an e-mail with instructions to change your password.
The link below will allow first-time Alliant users to reset their passwords:
Password Expiration:
If you have been able to login to your account before and have not forgotten your password, your password may have expired.
To ensure account security, Alliant International University's password policy requires all users to change their respective passwords every 180 days.
You may use the below link to reset your password.
Change your password from the Office 365 portal
Use this method if you normally access your applications through the Office portal:
1. Sign in to your Office 365 account with your current credentials.
2. Select your profile icon on the upper-right side, and then select My account.
3. Select Manage Security & privacy > Password.
4. Enter your old password, create new password, confirm new password, and then select Submit.
In case you forgot your password, use the Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR) following this link.
Please note, if you are not registered for SSPR and you don't know or forgot your password, you need fill and submit this form.
To ensure account security, Alliant International University's password policy requires all users to change their respective passwords every 180 days. This password change will impact the Alliant network, CNS portal, Email (Office 365) Canvas and Zoom.
Your password must have at least 12 digits and contain one upper case letter, one lower case letter, one number, and one special character (i.e. &, $,*). You cannot use any of your five previous passwords.
First Time Login:
If you are logging into the Alliant systems for the first time, you will have received an e-mail with instructions to change your password.
The link below will allow first-time Alliant users to reset their passwords:
Password Expiration:
If you have been able to login to your account before and have not forgotten your password, your password may have expired.
To ensure account security, Alliant International University's password policy requires all users to change their respective passwords every 180 days.
You may use the below link to reset your password.
Change your password from the Office 365 portal
Use this method if you normally access your applications through the Office portal:
1. Sign in to your Office 365 account with your current credentials.
2. Select your profile icon on the upper-right side, and then select My account.
3. Select Manage Security & privacy > Password.
4. Enter your old password, create new password, confirm new password, and then select Submit.
In case you forgot your password, use the Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR) following this link.
Please note, if you are not registered for SSPR and you don't know or forgot your password, you need fill and submit this form.
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