CNS Citrix Install MacOS

- Open a browser and go to
- At the bottom of the page click on "Get Citrix Workspace app for Mac"
- Click on "Download Citrix Workspace app for Mac"
- Once the download is complete, click on "CitrixWorkspaceApp.dmg" to start the installation
- Double click "Install Citrix Workspace.pkg" to start the installation
- Click on "Continue"
- Click on "Continue"
- Click on "Continue"
- Click on "Agree"
- Click on "Install"
- Enter your MacOS local admin username
- Enter your MacOS local admin password
- Press button "Install Software"
- Click on "Continue"
- Click on "Close"
- Click on "Move to Trash"
- Open your browser and go to
- Click on "APPS" tab
- Click on "CampusNexus Student - Prod"
- A window will open. Click on "Open Citrix Workspace"
- The end result should be similar to the one below
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