Course "Nicknames"
In the event you have multiple course sections with the same name, it can be difficult to differentiate the various sections, especially when using the Inbox feature. A course nickname will allow you to differentiate between course sections.
A course nickname does not affect the course name at the account or course level; it only changes the name of the course for the individual user who created the nickname. If you need to know the original name of the course, you can hover over the nickname and the original name will appear. Additionally, the course code is not affected and always displays on the course card for course reference. Create a course nickname (scroll down to the middle of the page for the nickname feature) |

All Alliant courses in Canvas follow the same naming convention.
(1) The official course title from Campus Nexus Student (CNS)
(2) The course code [Course Code] - [Section] - [Delivery Method] - [Campus Code]
(3) Term
(1) The official course title from Campus Nexus Student (CNS)
(2) The course code [Course Code] - [Section] - [Delivery Method] - [Campus Code]
(3) Term